How-To Pick Your Stone and Gems

How to pick your stones and gems to radiate your vibes and attact those you seek.

Choosing stones and gems is easier than you think and that’s because you don’t need to think to much on it. Your intuition and feelings play a bigger factor into selecting your gems and stones. Whether online or in store, you can tune into what your energy is drawn to.

When choosing stones and gems, allow yourself to connect with energies around you and allow yours to mingle right back. Use your non-dominant hand when selecting stones. Your dominant hand is used to write your logical and rational thoughts and ego as opposed to your non-dominant hand connected to spirit. For more information, watch this video. 

Revamp Your Relationships!

Are you growing in your relationships and expanding the opportunities for adventure? Reconsider what you value about them and how they are helping your higher self to expand to a new level.

Feeling a shift in your relationships? Notice yourself questioning the balance of give and take of fairness within your partnerships? Are you wondering what’s going on?

Lucky Jupiter is Retrograde in Libra February 6- June 10,2017. We’re reevaluating, reestablishing and revamping all 7th house matters like partnerships, relationships, contracts, and your relationship with the masses included. Sound like what you’re feeling? Others are too so realize this means others are thinking on their relationships or partnerships with you! They may, just like you, be rethinking who brings value and who doesn’t. This either leads to break ups of relationships that are withering or strengthening already strong relationships by having a stronger feeling of value and appreciation.

These matters are ruled over by Jupiter with Venus as his Co-Pilot. Jupiter looks to grow and expand through risk taking and adventure. Venus likes everything to be pleasurable and wants what is fairly due and justified in regards to relationships and money. Take the opportunity between these dates to look at the value of what you bring to relationships and what they bring to you. Are you growing in your relationships and expanding the opportunities for adventure? Reconsider what you value about them and how they are helping your higher self to expand to a new level.

With regard to your material possessions that bring you pleasure and comfort…do they? Are you holding yourself and your creative projects or material possessions to a new value with all the Aries energy OR are you allowing Jupiter to show you were you’re lucky to take risks in your partnerships? Do you feel you want more pleasure and recognition for the work you have put in when it comes to relationships or your self-worth?

This is the time to review your relationships and money OR maybe even your relationship with money. Take inventory of what you’ve got. The end results should leave you feeling that your partnerships, relationships, and contracts for artistic talents are feeling stronger in self-value and practicing better care of relationships and money. So go out there and start taking risks and exploring your new expanded vision for your future!!

For more information on what to expect look to your natal chart and where Venus is transiting. Get your chart HERE or order your Astrology Reading to have your chart interpreted for you. Thanks for stopping by. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, share and Radiate Your Vibe!!


Currently Mercury sits in the sign of Aquarius so there’s been plenty of talk about the future of humanity and how it is we can work together to improve it and it’s been this way since the recent US presidential election. Go figure!

The 🌜moon is moving towards ♏Scorpio and all 8th house matters. The mind will be thinking about things related to shared assets, joint ventures, as well as intimacy and bonding. You may also begin to feel possessive about your shared assets. Tune in as your mind shifts while you sleep😴

Why should you care? Cause your mind and what it thinks on shifts all the time and sometimes people fly off the handle when they forget this. I’m here to remind you that’s first of all okay if your mind shifts. It’s healthy to feel and have emotions and your mind tunes into your feelings and there go your thoughts and then the planet Mercury jumps in and expresses your mind through communication depending on where in the sky it sits. Currently Mercury sits in the sign of Aquarius so there’s been plenty of talk about the future of humanity and how it is we can work together to improve it and it’s been this way since the recent US presidential election. Go figure!

So what can you do to help you stabilize your emotions? Subscribe to my blog and stay tuned in to the planetary energies. Learn to adapt and work with them. Embrace your own energies and learn to radiate them. BE THE ENERGY!

Your Moon Mind

Your Moon placement is responsible for the way your mind handles life.

Your Moon placement is responsible for the way your mind handles life. If you’ve got an Aries moon placement, chances are you’re ready to go to battle anytime life throws you into a dogfight and you may be aggressive about it depending on how other planets are placed in aspect to your moon. Have a Pisces moon? You may want to handle all that life throws at you with a compassion that elevates the soul to a new place and that may not always help you win the dogfight unless you’ve got some strong aspects from other planets affecting your moon. Your moon placement and sign is unique and knowing it gives you an advantage to knowing how you can best handle a situation. 

My natal moon in the 9th house is in the sign of Taurus with a quincunx aspect from my Mars in the second house in the sign of Libra. This gives me intuitiveness to the masses that allows me to react quickly to all emergency situations. This aspect would work well for a nurse in a battle field needing to decide quickly who she can help and how and then gets right to it all until it is done. 

Understanding your moon is understanding yourself!